Showing 9 products

Ігрові вправи. Перші кроки з читання. Рівень 2

Step-by-step notebooks to help you master your first reading skills and prepare for school. And the funny monkey Lulu will help in this. One page - one lesson. The illustrations in the notebook are intentionally not colored. So you can...

48,00 kr
Логіка, пам’ять та увага

Notebook Fedienko logic memory and attention, 48 p. - A gift to a little genius. "Logic, memory and attention" The child's development is quite fast. At the age of 4-5, children strive to learn as much as possible, they are...

80,00 kr
Ігрові вправи. Перші кроки з читання. Рівень 1

Step-by-step notebooks to help you master your first reading skills and prepare for school. And the funny monkey Lulu will help in this. One page - one lesson. The illustrations in the notebook are intentionally not colored. So you can...

48,00 kr
Funny tongue: a speech therapy workbook for preschoolers. Sounds [l] [r]

The guide is designed to work with children who are learning to pronounce the sounds [l], [r]. It contains interesting speech therapy exercises to eliminate problems of oral and written speech.All tasks are educational and entertaining in nature and are...

48,00 kr
Preparation for writing. Workbook. 5-6 years old. According to the updated Basic component of preschool education

How to prepare a child for the 1st grade of NUSH? We have developed notebooks to help the future first-grader, which are aimed at developing graphic skills of writing, speech, fine motor skills of hands, coordination with the rhythm of...

55,00 kr
Funny tongue: a speech therapy workbook for preschoolers. Sounds [w], [w]

The manual is designed to work with children who are learning to pronounce the sounds [sh], [zh]. It contains interesting speech therapy exercises to eliminate problems of oral and written speech. All tasks are educational and entertaining in nature and...

48,00 kr
Малюю по крапках. Letters from A to Z

I draw with dots - notebooks that will help your child learn the Ukrainian and English alphabets and numbers from 1 to 50. All this - connecting the dots on large bright pictures. Prepare the preschooler for school exercises with...

25,00 kr
Ukrainian language and reading. 3rd grade Workbook for the textbook of I. Bolshakova, M. Prystinska. In 2 parts. part 1 (NUSH)

The content of the manual takes into account the features of the textbook "Ukrainian Language and Reading" by Inna Bolshakova and Maryna Prystinska. The publication is a component of the educational and methodological set "Ukrainian language and reading. 3rd grade",...

51,00 kr42,00 kr
Свинка Пеппа. Пишемо букви. Пиши і стирай

This book will introduce your child to letters and teach them to write. Using an ordinary felt-tip pen and a damp cloth, a child can practice writing letters just on the pages of a book. Complete game tasks together, look...

76,00 kr

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